Preventive Dentistry – Philadelphia, PA

Keeping Your Pearly Whites Problem-Free

Brushing and flossing twice a day are essential for maintaining a healthy smile, but it’s not quite enough; even people who practice diligent oral hygiene habits may miss some spots. To prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues from developing, you’ll need to visit MoyaDent Family Dentistry periodically for dental checkups and teeth cleanings. Has it been more than six months since your last routine dental visit? If so, we encourage you to contact our dental office and book your next visit!


Why Choose MoyaDent Family Dentistry for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Patients of All Ages Welcome
  • In-Network with Most PPO Dental Insurance Providers
  • Evening & Saturday Appointments Available


Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Man smiling in dental chair

We recommend that most patients attend two dental checkups and cleanings a year. These quick yet essential visits give our dentists the chance to take a close look at your mouth, including digital X-rays, to check for signs of cavities, gum infections, and other oral health concerns. When spotted in their early stages, these problems can be treated with more conservative and cost-effective methods. Next comes your cleaning, wherein our hygiene team removes built-up plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums.

Learn More About Dental Checkups & Cleanings


Oral Cancer Screenings

Calendar marking dental appointment date

If oral cancer is identified early on, the chances of successful treatment increase significantly, which is why our dentists screen for oral cancer as part of your regular checkups. They’ll visually examine the tissues in your mouth and throat, and they’ll even take high-definition digital scans that can detect whether any potentially cancerous abnormalities are present. If they spot anything concerning, they can help you obtain a diagnosis from the appropriate professional.


Fluoride Treatments

Dental patient receiving fluoride treatment

You probably receive plenty of fluoride from your drinking water or toothpaste, but some patients could benefit from additional exposure to this valuable mineral. Fluoride has been proven to decrease the risk of tooth decay by replenishing the minerals that tooth enamel needs to remain strong and resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria. Following your cleaning, we can take just a few minutes to paint a concentrated fluoride gel onto your teeth.


Nightguards for Bruxism

Dentist holding a nightguard for bruxism

Far too many people clench or grind their teeth while they sleep and don’t even know it until we see signs of enamel wear during their checkups. Without intervention, chronic teeth grinding (known as bruxism) could eventually cause fractures. Luckily, we can prevent the upper and lower teeth from making harmful contact as you sleep by having you wear a nightguard. We customize each of these oral appliances to fit comfortably while they protect your pearly whites.