Dental Implants – Philadelphia, PA

State-of-the-Art Tooth Replacement

These days, you have so many options to replace your missing teeth, but one of them stands above the rest – dental implants. This solution comes the closest to recreating the teeth you once had, letting you enjoy a smile that looks great, feels natural, and stands the test of time. Thanks to Dr. Aloian’s expertise, we can handle the entire dental implant process under one roof at MoyaDent Family Dentistry. Call us today to learn more about state-of-the-art tooth replacement with dental implants!


Why Choose MoyaDent Family Dentistry for Dental Implants?

  • Dental Implant Surgery & Restoration In-House
  • 3D Cone Beam Scanning for Enhanced Treatment Plans
  • Evening & Saturday Appointments Available


What Are Dental Implants?

Model of the mouth with two dental implants

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. After Dr. Aloian has placed these small titanium posts into your jaw, they begin bonding with the surrounding bone until they are essentially a part of your body. At that point, they can support a dental crown, a bridge, or even a full denture, depending on how many teeth you’ve lost. Once placed, dental implants are designed to last for 30+ years at a time or possibly even the rest of your life!


The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Dentist holding dental implant model

Dental implants require a unique, multi-step process that can take several months. This may seem like a long time at first, but the long-term benefits will be well worth it! At Moyadent Family Dentistry, we are proud to complete the entire dental implant treatment in our office, so we won’t need to refer you to a local specialist. Every treatment is unique, but here are the four main steps you can expect when you get dental implants.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Man meeting a dental receptionist

First, you will need to attend a consultation with us. During this time, we will examine your smile and go over your medical history to ensure that you are a good candidate for this procedure. If necessary, we can discuss preliminary treatments, like gum disease therapy, bone grafting, and tooth extractions. These types of treatments help to ensure that your implants are successful. After this, we can move on to plan the rest of your dental implant treatment. We will walk you through what you can expect, including the timeline and the cost of your procedure.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist performing surgery

We provide the entire dental implant process under one roof, so you don’t need to worry about working with another dentist. During your procedure, your mouth will first be numbed with a local anesthetic to make sure you remain comfortable during your procedure. Then, an incision is made into the gum tissue so the implant posts can be placed into the jawbone. Lastly, the gums are closed and protective caps are placed over the posts so the healing process can take place.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment Placement

Digital illustration of a dental implant

Osseointegration is the process in which the biocompatible titanium implant fuses with the jawbone. This is what keeps the implant so stable in the bone. When the fusion process is complete, metal abutments are placed on the end of the implants. Impressions are taken and your final restoration will be custom-made to fit perfectly into your smile.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Patient smiling in the dental chair

The last step in getting dental implants is the delivery of your replacement teeth. At this point, you will return to the office so we can place your crown, bridge, or denture on your implant(s). During this time, we will make sure that your bite lines up and your new smile is perfectly comfortable. Then, you will be left to enjoy all of the wonderful benefits of your dental implants!


Benefits of Dental Implants

Dentist holding a model of dental implant in jaw

If you don’t already know, dental implants are highly popular as tooth replacements. It’s to the point that dentists place over 500,000 of them yearly! As for why they’re so well-liked, the reason is their unique restoration method. Implants are set directly in the jaw and gradually fuse with it over time. Due to this fusion, they offer perks that dentures and bridges can’t match. If you’d like more details, read on to learn the benefits of dental implants.

Day-to-Day Benefits

Senior woman looking at smile in mirror

Naturally, the most noticeable upsides of implants are the day-to-day ones. These include:

  • A Pretty, Restored Smile – Being capped with dental crowns, implants look pretty and seamlessly blend with adjacent teeth. They thus fully restore your smile and make it beautiful.
  • Improved Confidence – Implants help your confidence by filling in your previous smile gaps. From there, your improved body image and reduced anxiety makes socializing easier. You’ll then have better relationships with friends and family!
  • Easy Eating – Since implants fuse with your jaw, they restore much of your bite force. That means they’ll allow you to eat your favorite tough foods.
  • Low Maintenance – Compared to other restorations, implants don’t need special upkeep. You can simply clean them as you would natural teeth. In particular, brush them twice daily and floss between them once daily.

Health Benefits

Man biting into red apple

While implants’ everyday perks are noticeable, they also have other kinds. Their health benefits, especially, are rather noteworthy. Among them, the most common ones are:

  • Better Teeth-Cleaning  – Unfilled smile gaps house harmful germs, raising your risk of oral problems. However, implants fill these spaces and make teeth cleaning easier. Your odds of a severe dental issue then decrease.
  • A Strong Jawbone – Left untreated, tooth loss will cause your jawbone to erode and shrink. That process can then lead to facial collapse. Implants, though, can stimulate your jawbone to prevent such erosion.
  • Support for Nearby Teeth – Besides a shrinking jawbone, tooth loss can cause still-remaining teeth to tilt and fall out. Thankfully, implants fill your smile gaps to prevent this outcome.
  • No Sensitivity – Unlike dentures or bridges, implants don’t rub against other teeth or gum tissue. Consequently, they don’t irritate your various mouth tissues.

Long-term Benefits

Close up of woman smiling with a dental implant

What really makes implants worthwhile are their long-term benefits. In particular, these are:

  • Low Risk of Failure – Given proper care, implants hardly ever fail after placement. Even today, their ten-year success rate sits at over 95%!
  • Long-Lasting Results – On average, a dental implant will last roughly 15-20 years. If maintained exceptionally well, however, one can have a lifespan of 30 years or more. It’s thus evident that your restorations could last a lifetime.
  • Cost-Effectiveness – Often enough, implants will save you money in the long run. Their long lifespans mean they don’t involve many replacement or repair fees. On the other hand, dentures and bridges need pricey follow-up care.


Who Dental Implants Can Help

Man looking at smile in mirror

Most adults who are generally in good health can qualify for dental implants, though they may need some preliminary work first. For example, untreated gum disease or a weakened jawbone can compromise the success of dental implants, so you’d need gum disease therapy or bone grafting before the procedure can be safe and effective. Once we’ve deemed you a good candidate, we can place a specific number of implants based on how many teeth you’re missing.

Missing One Tooth

Animated dental crown being placed onto a dental implant

While a traditional dental bridge requires that we shave some enamel off of the two teeth that are adjacent to the gap, a dental implant with a crown can fully support itself. This way, the rest of your smile remains intact while your replacement tooth looks and feels lifelike.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Animated dental bridge being placed onto two dental implants

Three or more teeth in a row can be replaced by attaching a dental bridge onto just two implant posts – each one placed at one end of the gap. For nonconsecutive missing teeth, we may be able to secure a partial denture onto a small number of implants that are strategically positioned throughout the mouth.

Missing All Teeth

Animated denture being placed onto six dental implants

If you need a full denture, you’ll be happy to know that we can secure it into place using four to eight implants on average. Implant dentures should always stay in place as you eat, talk, and smile, and you can care for them in much the same way as you would natural teeth.


Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

A large model tooth surrounded by silver coins

Even if you want implants, you may assume they’re too expensive. That’s a fair concern – quality treatments often have high prices. Still, the cost of dental implants varies by patient. You’ll need to consult our dentists for a precise estimate. Once you do, our team will lay out the details of implant financing. This approach ensures treatment is as affordable as possible. To learn more, read onward or call our office to book a consultation!

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

Dentists performing a dental implant surgery

Depending on your oral health, you may need preliminary work before implant surgery. (Such efforts might include bone grafting, gum disease therapy, tooth extraction, etc.) Your treatment’s overall expense would then rise. However, rest assured that these prior procedures are vital; they’ll maximize your new smile’s success. At the same time, many of them are partially covered by dental insurance.


Of course, implant surgery also incurs its own cost. This expense is shaped by where the prosthetics are placed, your need for sedation, etc. Luckily, MoyaDent Family Dentistry places implants in the office. You won’t have to worry about paying an outside specialist.


The Parts of Your Dental Implant

A 3 D illustration of dental implant parts

Your implants’ features will also affect treatment costs. In particular, such elements include the following:


  • Number of Implants - As you’d expect, one implant costs less than an implant denture that uses four to six. Similarly, said denture is more cost-effective than replacing each tooth separately.
  • Implant Material – Implants can actually have different materials. For example, those made of zirconia cost more than titanium ones.
  • Implant Brand – In reality, different manufacturers make implants differently. As a result, one brand may charge more for implants than another would.


How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

A man putting a coin into a piggy bank next to a jaw mockup

You may think dentures or bridges are better options than implants. After all, the former two have lower upfront prices. Technically, though, dental implants are more cost-effective in the long run.


Firstly, implants don’t need many repairs and replacements over time. They have an average lifespan of about 15-20 years. Plus, caring for them doesn’t involve pastes, solutions, or adhesives. That means keeping your implants functional won’t force you to “break the bank.”


Better yet, implants help your oral health more than the alternatives. They won’t wear down your teeth, nor will they irritate your gums. You can also clean them as you would natural teeth. As a result, they greatly reduce your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and jawbone loss.


Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

A patient discussing dental insurance with an insurance agent

Dental insurance (usually) won’t cover dental implants. Most plans view them as elective and thus “medically unnecessary.” As such, they require patients to pay for implants entirely out-of-pocket.


All that said, exceptions do exist. Your plan may offer a degree of coverage. Given this fact, confirm your policy’s benefits before getting care. Our team will even help you maximize these perks.


We want to give you implants that are beautiful, functional, and affordable. Therefore, learn more about financing them by visiting our office!